Your gums may need a little extra care while you’re wearing braces

When you embark on the journey to achieve a perfectly aligned smile with the help of orthodontics in Allen, you’re investing in aesthetics and your overall oral health. While braces work wonders in improving the positioning of your teeth, it’s essential to remember that they may require a little extra care, particularly for your gums. In this article, we will explore the importance of gum health during orthodontic treatment and provide valuable insights on maintaining healthy gums while wearing braces.

Caring for your gums while wearing braces: the key to a healthy smile

While braces improve your mouth function and smile by moving teeth into better positions, they may also adversely affect another part of your oral health — your gums. It’s not uncommon for the gums of braces wearers to become inflamed during treatment.

Understanding the impact of braces on your gums

There are a couple of reasons for this happening during orthodontic treatment. The braces (hardware) can make it difficult to brush or floss away bacterial plaque, the cause of periodontal (gum) disease that can lead to swollen, inflamed gums. Gum tissues may also react negatively to the hardware by swelling and overgrowing around the teeth, known as hyperplasia.

The importance of addressing gum health

Gum disease is potentially more than an irritation — if not treated, it can lead to the loss of supporting gum tissues and bone, which in turn, if not treated, could eventually lead to tooth loss. That’s why it’s important to practice effective hygiene while wearing braces despite the difficulties posed by the hardware.

Maintaining good oral hygiene with braces

Managing your gum health during orthodontic treatment is a partnership between you, your orthodontist, and your general dentist. Here are some essential tips to help you keep your gums healthy while wearing braces:

  1. Choose the right tools: Use a soft multi-tufted toothbrush to reach around the brackets and wires. Make sure to brush thoroughly on the top side of the wire and then again on the bottom to ensure you effectively remove plaque.
  2. Please don’t skip flossing: Flossing can be challenging with braces, but removing plaque from between your teeth is crucial. Consider using a special floss threader or a water irrigator that pulses water under pressure to help dislodge and remove plaque.
  3. Regular dental cleanings: Keep up with your regular office cleanings with your dentist. These visits are essential to remove hard-to-reach plaque or calculus (hardened plaque deposits) that may accumulate around your braces.
  4. Orthodontic check-ups: Schedule regular check-ups with your orthodontist. They will monitor the progress of your orthodontic treatment and assess your gum health.

Managing gum overgrowth

Despite your best efforts, some symptoms, particularly gum overgrowth, may only resolve after removing the braces. If there hasn’t been any tissue detachment, it should only be a minor concern. Your orthodontist may refer you to a periodontist, a dentist specializing in gum conditions, to monitor your gum health while wearing braces.

The promise of a beautiful and healthy smile

With proper hygiene and extra attention to your oral care routine, the impact of braces on your gums will be minimal. In the end, you’ll be able to enjoy a beautifully aligned smile and one that is healthy and free from gum issues.

Creekview & McKinney Orthodontics: Your partner for a healthier smile

For residents of Allen and McKinney, Texas, seeking expert orthodontic care, numerous orthodontic specialists and dental professionals are dedicated to providing personalized treatments and guidance. Your orthodontist in Allen is your partner on your journey to a straighter smile, and they can offer valuable advice on maintaining your gum health during orthodontic treatment.

If you would like more information on caring for teeth and gums during orthodontic treatment, please contact us or schedule a free consultation today! Your smile is essential to who you are, and we’re here to ensure it shines brightly and healthily throughout your orthodontic journey.